MATT COLLINS - 18 izvornih snimaka (1963-1967)

MATT COLLINS was born as Karlo Metikoš on February 8, 1940 in Zagreb, Croatia (ex-Yugoslavia). Studied to become a classical pianist but got absorbed into rock and roll in 1956 via couple of singles (Bill Haley, Elvis Presley, Little Richard) that he got as a present with an imported record player. Finding replacement needles for western gramophones was next to impossible in 50's Yugoslavia so he had to improvise with ordinary sewing needles to cater for his hunger for music. Needles to say he played those few precious records to the bone. Got his first paying job in 1958 in a cabaret show. Since nobody in the management knew nothing about rock and roll they simply filed him under negro spirituals and made him wear black shoe polish makeup on stage. In 1959 he puts together a vocal group "Regal", and sings to French tourists in holiday resorts on the Adriatic coast. The band appears a few times on regional television which sparks a controversy over its...